
Clients & Testimonials

Demographic Analysis 

Evaluation & Survey Research



Siting & Placement Analysis

School District Boundary Changes  

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Clients and Testimonials

Mapping Strategies has performed the following services for the clients represented on the map:

"Iowa Primary Care Association (IPCA) has used Mapping Strategies services for policy analysis of several kinds in both long term and impromptu engagements and been very satisfied with the work.  Mapping Strategies content of the product was always tailored to our specific inquiry and likewise the mode of delivery was tailored for the particular uses: large scale framed maps for presentations, interactive computer maps for exploration of data, and more common PowerPoints.  In all of these different types of public policy evaluation, IPCA has been pleased with Mapping Strategies performance."

Sarah Dixon Gale, MPA - Senior Program Director - Iowa Primary Care Association


"Mapping Strategies provided the Iowa Prescription Drug Corporation (IPDC) a quantitative analysis of jail booking data from Polk County, Iowa to evaluate our Medication Assistance Program, which provides free psychotropic drugs to individuals being released from the jail through a federally qualified health center (FQHC) in Des Moines.  Addy, Mapping Strategies' President,  is published in this area and his analyses were of high quality, just as importantly they were easy to communicate with our funder (this is a community grant funded project) and other potential funders.  Further, the relationship has been so positive we hope to expand it."

Jon Rosmann - Executive Director - Iowa Prescription Drug Corporation


"Mapping Strategies provided the City of Creston a quality personalized service that fit our needs. We had questions that ranged from the process to details on precisely what data the City needed to submit and all our institutional knowledge from the last redistricting had retired or moved on. Mapping Strategies promptly responded to all our questions (including onsite), explained our options, and provided us with the different kinds of data in different configurations. The large wall maps they produced were also invaluable for illustrations to us; explanations to the city council; and outreach to the public."

Michael Taylor - Creston City Administrator

2011 and 2021 Redistricting Client


"Ensuring Waverly-Shell Rock (WSR) gets the right federal allocations is paramount to me. That's why we appreciate the boundary correction services Mapping Strategies / ISFIS provided to us in 2011. During redistricting, Mapping Strategies found and explained to the district that the boundaries the US Census uses to determine Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates (SAIPE) for Title I allocations did not include all of WSR's territory and therefore its potential pupils. Their large scale hardcopy maps were useful to convey the concepts and the edits being proposed. Further, they followed through on all the necessary submissions, so WSR now has the correct boundary for determining our allocations."

Dennis Stufflebeam - Business Manager - Waverly-Shell Rock CSD

2012 (WSR was also a client in 2022 - 23)